Village of Groton
308 Main St.
Groton, NY 13073
incorporated 1860
Village Codes/Code Enforcement
Village Building Enforcement
Ted Skibinski
308 Main St
Groton, N.Y. 13073
M-TH 8:30-4:30 F 8:30-1
Phone: (607)-898-3966
Cell: (607) 592-2654
Fax: (607)898-4177
Permits: Fees
Electrical Inspector
Floyd Ferris
201 Conger Blvd.
Groton, N.Y. 13073
Phone: (607)-898-3001
Fax: (607)-898-3029
*Anytime you remodel a room or install a storage shed you need to apply for a building permit.

Village Code 101-6. Permits
Except as hereinafter provided, no person, firm, corporation, association or partnership shall commence the construction, enlargement, alteration, addition to and any other improvement, removal or demolition of any building or structure or any portion thereof or install a solid-fuel burning heating apparatus, chimney of flue without having obtained a permit from the Code Enforcement Officer.
Village Codes:
There is a curfew law. No child under the age of 16 years shall be in or upon any of the street, parks or public places in the Village in the nighttime after 10:00 pm and before the hour of 6:00 am. Without a parent.
Village Code prohibits over night parking on all Village streets from 2:00 am to 6:00 am. This is in effect from November 1st thru March 31.
It is prohibited to burn garbage in the Village of Groton.
It is the homeowners/occupant responsible to keep the sidewalk clear of ice and snow by 10:00 am. In the event owner /occupant refuses to remove such snow, department of Public Utilities will clear the sidewalk the cost and expense will be charged to the homeowner.
It is the homeowner's responsibility to protect the Electric, Water & Sewer meter from damage due to vandalism, freezing or other causes.
All dogs in the Village must be registered. That can be done at the Town of Groton at 101 Conger Blvd. 898-5035. There is a leash law all dogs must be restrained with a collar and adequate leash. Owners must clean up after their dog.
You must register wild animals such as, venomous snakes, constrictors, python snakes that are 10 feet or greater in length. Crocodile's that are five feet. This is for the safety of our police officers, fire personal, emergency department.
If you will be selling any service door to door then you are required to apply for a Peddler's license. That can be done at the Village Clerks Office.