Village of Groton
308 Main St.
Groton, NY 13073
incorporated 1860
Department of Public Works
201 Conger Blvd. Groton, N.Y. 13073
Phone (607)898-3345 Fax: (607)-898-3029
Hours- 6:00 am to 3:00 pm Monday-Thursday
6:00 am to noon-Friday
Before you dig, call Dig Safely New York so water and sewer lines can be marked:
1-800-962-7962 or 811
(It's the homeowner's responsibility to call.)
Emergency 1-800-527-1121
NYSEG (Natural Gas) Customer Service 1-800-527-1111

DPW Supervisor
Chad Shurtleff
Automotive Mechanic
Rick Neville, Jr.
Click the water drop link for water leak information:

The Village of Groton Department of Public Works has the responsibility for all Village property except what is owned by the Electric Dept.
Hydrant flushing is done in the spring and fall. It may cause the water to be discolored, just let the cold water run a few minutes and it should clear up. Check the water before washing clothes. Discolored water will stain your laundry. It is safe for other purposes.
During the winter, the Village plows and cinders the streets as needed. The emphasis is placed on the hills on Elm St., West Cortland St., and Clark St., with the side streets to follow. No parking is allowed on Village streets from 2 am to 6 am from Nov. 1 to March 31 each year, which helps in the snow removal effort. We ask our residents not to plow, shovel, or snow-blow snow back into the streets. It is illegal under the State Vehicle and Traffic Law and it can create a hazardous condition.
Our Water
The municipal water system serves approximately 2,363 residents with 765 service connections providing 308,000 gallons of water each day. The Village of Groton uses two sources of water: the Morton Works (infiltration gallery) and the Conger Boulevard well field. The water from the Morton Works flows by gravity to the Clark Street tank, where it is filtered by micro-filtration process to meet the federal guidelines for surface water treatment then it is disinfected by chlorine gas and distributed to the Village. The Conger Boulevard wells, are also disinfected and treated to reduce corrosion, then pumped into the distribution system on command of the water level in the Clark Street tank. Pumps at Clark Street serve a second, higher-level zone with a 200,000-gallon concrete storage tank on Elm Street. The Village has the responsibility for water services to the curb box. From the curb box to the building, it is the property owner’s responsibility. Water rates are charged per 100 cubic foot (748 gallons). Rates are double for customers outside of the Village. The Village Water Utility has been in existence since the 1880’s
The Village Sewer System was established in 1963. The Village Wastewater Treatment Plant is located on Cayuga St., next to the Owasco Inlet. Initially only primary treatment was provided. In 1976, secondary treatment was added. $4.1 million dollars in renovations and updates were undertaken in 2010 to bring the plant up to date with modern sewage treatment methods. Most of the improvements were paid for with grants. Rates are based on water consumption. The treatment plant operates under a permit by the Department of Environmental Conservation.
Our parks
Public Works also has the responsibility for maintaining Village park land. In addition to Memorial Park on Sykes St., the Village has the responsibility for the mini-park on Conger Blvd. and the Graves Memorial on Main St. The Village also mows certain roadsides and the water works property.
our roadways
The Department of Public Works maintains almost 11 miles of roadway within the Village. Each year, the Department attempts to pave certain streets, much dependent on the wear and tear of the street and the last time resurfacing was performed. The Department also maintains the storm drainage system.