Village of Groton
308 Main St.
Groton, NY 13073
incorporated 1860
Community Meetings
Village Board of Trustees -
Third Monday of each month - 7:00 pm
Village Planning Board
First Tuesday of each month - 7:00 pm
**As Needed**
Board of Police Commissioners
Third Monday of each month - 5:45 pm
**As Needed**
Board of Light Commissioners
Second Monday of each month - 8:30 am
Board of Water Commissioners
Scheduled and advertised as needed.
Town/Village Joint Rec. Committee
First Tuesday of each month - 5:30 pm
Zoning Board of Appeals
Scheduled and advertised as needed.
All meetings are held in the Trustees Room, Groton Municipal Building, 308 Main St.
** For persons with special needs, who wish to attend a meeting, please contact the Village Office as soon as practical, prior to a meeting, so your particular need can be accommodated.