Village of Groton
308 Main St.
Groton, NY 13073
incorporated 1860
Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I go to send a fax?
Village of Groton Clerk’s Office 898-3966
Fax Number 898-4177
There is a charge to send a fax.
Local-.50 for the 1st page and .25 for each additional page
Long distance $1.00 per page.
What options do I have to pay Village Electric, Water/Sewer & Taxes?
Bills may be paid at the Village Office-308 Main Street, using our drop box at the same address, at the First National Bank of Groton during their usual business hours, or by credit card.
I hear there is a curfew, is that right?
There is a curfew law. No child under the age of 16 years shall be in or upon any of the street, parks of public places in the Village in the nighttime after 10:00 pm and before the hour of 6:00 am without a parent. See Other Codes
I need to put a new roof on my house, do I need a permit for that?
For any construction, enlargement, alteration, addition to, any other improvement, removal or demolition requires a permit. Click here to go to permits.
Can I put my yard sale poster on the power pole on the corner.
No, the materials compromise the integrity of the pole and if the Dept. workers should have climb the pole for some reason, it presents a hazard to them. Also the deteriorating materials are unsightly.
What is the deal with the village electric, it's not NYSEG?
No, the village has it's own power, click here to find out more.