Village of Groton
308 Main St.
Groton, NY 13073
incorporated 1860
Electric Department
201 Conger Blvd.
Groton, NY 13073
Phone: 607-898-3001
Fax: 607-898-3029
Electric Department Billing
Office: 308 Main St.
Phone: 607-898-3966
Fax: 607-898-4177

Please direct all billing questions to the Village Office at 898-3966.
Nancy Niswender
Electric Dept. Supervisor
Stephen Teeter
Electric Dept. Utility Worker
Thomas Billups
Electric Dept. Utility Apprentice
Jack Breed

Village Electric System
The Village of Groton is one of 47 municipal electric systems in New York State. Being a public power system, the Village has complete utility responsibility within our boundaries.
Under Federal license, 40% of the output of the New York Power Authority plant has to be distributed to publicly owned electric systems, which is among the lowest rates in the entire nation. The Village receives a hydro allotment of 4469 KW. If we go over that amount (as we do in the winter), the Village purchases incremental power in cooperation with a group of 35 other municipal systems, called the New York Municipal Power Agency. Our contract for the hydro power with the New York Power Authority runs thru 2025.
Bills may be paid at the Village Office-143 Cortland Street, using our drop box at the same address, at the First National Bank of Groton during their usual business hours, or by credit card.
A minimum deposit of $50 is required for renters and new business owners. Under DPS rules, we reserve the right to charge a deposit of average of two months winter bills.
It is important to keep your address updated. The Post Office will not forward your bill if your address is incorrect.
Third Party Notification – Occasionally, some people are ill, incapacitated, away from home, etc. and are unable to attend to their affairs. We offer our residential customers the opportunity to designate a third party, such as a relative or friend, who would receive any notice of disconnect which would be issued. Such third party agreement in no way makes them responsible for any part of the bill. If you are interested in this service, please contact the Village Office (898-3966).
*For Consumer complaints that cannot be resolved with the company, you may contact the New York Department of Public Service (DPS).
DPS complaints may be directed as follows:
Website: www.dps.ny.gov/complaints
Phone: DPS Hotline at 1-800-342-3355 (M-Th 7:30a-7:30p, F 7:30am-7:00pm)
Mail: Office of Consumer Services
NYS Department of Public Service
3 Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12223
Do not tack yard sale signs to the utility poles. Sometimes people who put them up do not take them down and they look unsightly. It also compromises the integrity of the pole and if the Dept. workers should have climb the pole for some reason, it presents a hazard to them.
In the winter, please keep the path to your meter free of snow to assist the meter readers.
Please be energy conscious and implement energy conservations measures wherever possible. (See “IEEP” below.)
IEEP – INDEPENDENT ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAM – The Village participates with other municipal systems in providing energy conservation programs to our customers. We currently offer:
Rebates on certain appliances, hot water heaters, windows, ceiling fans and programmable thermostats. They must be ENERGY STAR® qualified.
In cooperation with the First National Bank of Groton, if you borrow money to perform capital insulation measures on your home, the Village will subsidize your interest on the loan, up to $1,000. (In other words, we will assist you in making it a 0% loan.) You must be credit qualified with the bank to participate in this program.
The Department, usually in the autumn, gives away free compact fluorescent or LED light bulbs.