Village of Groton
308 Main St.
Groton, NY 13073
incorporated 1860

201 Sykes St. , Groton, N.Y. 13073
Pool anticipated to open June 21st 2025
Only registered members are permitted in the pool area.
Registration is free and can be completed at the front window. Residency is not required for the season. Memberships from previous years must be updated. Additional guests may be signed in by members at the front window. All users are required to sign in at the front window.
Open 7 Days per week
AM Swim Lessons
Mon-Thurs, 9:00am, 9:30am, 10:00am
PM Swim Lessons
Mon-Thurs, 6:00pm & 6:30pm
Day Camp Lessons
Lap Swim Everyday:
7 days a week 12:00-12:30 pm
Open Swim Everyday:
M-F 12:30pm-6pm
Saturday & Sunday 12:30pm-4:30pm
We offer lessons for youth group sessions. Lessons are 30 minutes long. Youth can start lessons at six months of age. There will be testing at the end of each week. Children will advance to the next class when they are ready. Refunds are not available once registered.
Click here to Register for Swim Lessons
Please call the pool for more details or follow
Groton Recreation on Facebook for the
most up to date program information!
For more information call the pool during the
summer season @ 607-898-9508
Groton Memorial Pool